NO MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED! Anyone can book court time at BCRC.

Make a reservation at the front desk or set a recurring weekly Contract Court time for indoor season with us.

Please note that Professional Tennis instructors are not permitted to teach on BCRC courts unless they are employed by BCRC’s Tennis Academy.

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Contract Courts

A popular choice for groups of players who like to meet regularly, BCRC offers a pre-booked weekly Contract Court option as a 30-week indoor season. All Contract Courts are reserved under the name and contact info of a designated Court Captain.

Courts may be purchased as available, pre-season or mid-season as well; refer to our brochure below or contact the desk (215.493.5666) for more information on hours, time periods and pricing. 


Open Time Court

Outside Courts:

Outdoor Court season runs from mid-April to mid-October weather permitting. Note:   Outdoor courts are available as weather permits; indoor back-up during or after rain may not be available. 

Indoor Courts:

For court availability and reservations, please call our front desk: 215.493.5666.